Jonsings Gräv och Entreprenad AB
Sörfly 2520
823 91 Kilafors 556742-6282

Tel: 070-604 01 58


5 reaktioner på ”Kontakt”

  1. Tjenare Jonsing. Jag körde grävmaskin på Arlanda för några år sedan med en av dina anställda. Nu har jag ett utbildningsföretag. Är det något intyg eller någon kurs du saknar slå gärna en signal, eller titta in på min hemsida.
    ”the 070-657 34 92 Ha de gott /Mats.

  2. Hello from Finland
    I left a question thru Blocket on Manday evening, but i have not resieved an answer, so i try this way now. The add was from the Volvo NH12 with a trailer”
    The messaga was
    ”Hello from Finland.
    What is the final price of this truck combination transported to harbour for shipping to Finland.
    What is the condition of the
    -engine (oil consuption)
    -clutch etc.
    What is the total crossweight and cross length of the trailer in tons and in meters? What is the maximum gargo weight? If possible, can you sent a photo of the registrations docs (truck and trailer), so that we can check, is he Volvo accepted in Finland for trffick. There might be a problem to registrate it to finnis plates???
    Can you please give us an information ASAP so that we can arrange the transportation (driver) to the harbour here in Finland.
    Jag kan tala lite svekska, so do not hesitate to call
    Brg/Mvh Jaakko Mäkinen
    +358 44 2023026

    Ps I have called to you at least twicw to day without an answer ???

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